How to Clone Hard Drive to HDD or SSD

Here is a detailed guide shows you how to clone a hard drive with powerful disk clone software step by step. Try it whenever you want to upgrade hard drive or transfer data from one disk to another. In this blog I have try my best to explain simple way how to clone your Hard Disk/Drive to another Hard Disk or SSD we have clone running windows 10 with this software without any issue.

“Recently, I’m rather bothered by the “low disk space warning” always appearing on my existing HDD. Therefore, I want to replace my HDD with larger one. My operating system is Windows 10. I don’t want to lose any data, including applications and operating system on the old HDD and I have realised that the simplest way is to copy HDD to HDD in Windows 10. Now, I’m just wondering what the best free hard drive cloning software is and how to handle this tool.”

The best free hard drive cloning software

With so much hard drive cloning software, it is not easy to choose the best one. Thus after R&D with various software and my previous experience with this software we are recommending you to use Macrium Reflect software which is the best software I have used to clone hard disk as this software is user friendly and simple operating interface. For users, especially non-tech user, the more concise an interface, the easier it is to use.
Below is the detail of software used for this HDD clone Tutorial
Software Name: Macrium Reflect 7
Edition: Free Edition
Current Version: 7.1.2619 (2nd October 2017)

Download link for clone software

we have created a simple video on cloning Hard disk to Hard disk watch below video for Hard Disk Clone

Detailed Steps to clone hard drive:

  1. Download and Install Macrium Reflect 7
  2. Connect Second HDD or SSD to System of which you want clone
  3. Start Macrium Reflect 7 and select OLD HDD
  4. Select Drive or Partitions that you want to clone
  5. Click Clone this disk
  6. Select New HDD or SSD
  7. Delete any old partition on New HDD or SSD click Next
  8. Click Next at Schedule
  9. Click OK to Start

Finish all these steps, you can successfully clone your hard drive and you can also check the cloned disk in the Disk Management by right-clicking "My computer" and choose "Manage" -> "Storage" -> "Disk Management".


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How to clone hard disk to HDD or SSD
How to clone windows on another Harddisk or HDD/SDD
How to clone hard disk in windows 10
how to clone hard disk windows 7
how to clone hard disk,
how to clone hard disk to another hard disk
